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Junior Swimming Academy - Level 7

Swimming and water safety lessons for 5 to 13 year old girls and boys.

Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise

Sundays @ 9:15am


Amber Kelly

0 place(s) remaining.

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Course description

Demonstrating short swims with basic stroke skills of front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke and also introducing the basics of dolphin kick. Introduction of rescue with buoyancy aids. Also developing survival skills such as treading water. They’re getting advanced now!

Course Details
Course Length

8 Lessons

Lesson Duration

40 minutes

Class Size

8 Places

Curriculum Levels


Course Skills
  • Bubble, bubble, breathe for 2 with float
  • Bubble Arm, Breathing Arm with float 10 meters
  • Treading water unaided 10 seconds
  • Push and glide under water picking up an object off the floor
  • Intro to dolphin kick.
  • Back Crawl arm action, correct body position unaided
  • Back Crawl Kick unaided
  • Front Crawl Kick 10 meters taking 2 breaths

Autumn 2024

Course Dates
Lesson 1

15 September 2024

Lesson 2

22 September 2024

Lesson 3

29 September 2024

Lesson 4

06 October 2024

Lesson 5

13 October 2024

Lesson 6

20 October 2024

Lesson 7

03 November 2024

Lesson 8

10 November 2024

Break / No classes on: 27th October
