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Junior Swimming Academy - Level 4

Swimming and water safety lessons for 5 to 13 year old girls and boys.

The Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise

Wednesdays @ 5:00pm


Genevieve Whelan

2 place(s) remaining.

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Course description

This level is for children that can already float and fully submerge in the water, and they already have a basic understanding of water safety. They will build on their understanding of blowing bubbles and creating a breathing pattern. Also taking part & playing simple water games. They will advance their underwater skills and begin to learn different movement methods to build their confidence in various positions. They will learn to swim prone and supine. They will become more capable in rescue methods, know all about the hazards, and be able to tell the teacher all about water safety.

Course Details
Course Length

8 Lessons

Lesson Duration

40 minutes

Class Size

8 Places

Curriculum Levels


Course Skills
  • Mushroom Float to Back Float
  • 1-2-3 Roll with a Float
  • Can tread water 10 seconds with a board
  • Front to back Float
  • Bobbing up and down with natural breathing pattern
  • Back Crawl Kick no Aid 3 meters
  • Front Crawl Kick no Aid 3 meters
  • Independent Jump no Aid

Autumn 2024

Course Dates
Lesson 1

11 September 2024

Lesson 2

18 September 2024

Lesson 3

25 September 2024

Lesson 4

02 October 2024

Lesson 5

09 October 2024

Lesson 6

16 October 2024

Lesson 7

23 October 2024

Lesson 8

06 November 2024

Break / No classes on: 30th October


Book a Place

Swimmer Details

Medical Information

It is important to let us know if there are any medical conditions or special requirements regarding an attendee.

Guardian Details