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Parent & Pre-schooler Swimming - Level 8

For parents with children aged between 2 ½ and 5 years old

The Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise

Saturdays @ 10:30am


Elaine Byrne

0 place(s) remaining.

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Course description

This is the follow up stage for those that have completed Pre School level 7. This is time when our little swimmers start to swimming short distance without any support, and building confidence to swim further and further.

Course Details
Course Length

9 Lessons

Lesson Duration

30 minutes

Class Size

8 Places

Curriculum Levels


Course Skills
  • Full Independence
  • Attend at least 60% of the course classes
  • Swimming independently short distance F/C & B/C
  • Bilateral breathing - breathing to the side (understanding it)
  • Breathing pattern
  • Full submerging
  • Streamline position
  • Board independence
  • Safety drills - Treading water with aids
  • Safety drills - Able to show different safe entry to the pool
  • Rotation from tummy & back
  • Ability to perform basic B/S moves

Autumn 2024

Course Dates
Lesson 1

21 September 2024

Lesson 2

28 September 2024

Lesson 3

05 October 2024

Lesson 4

12 October 2024

Lesson 5

19 October 2024

Lesson 6

02 November 2024

Lesson 7

09 November 2024

Lesson 8

16 November 2024

Lesson 9

23 November 2024

Break / No classes on: 26th October
