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Junior Swimming Academy - Sharktastic - Level 8

Swimming and water safety lessons for 5 to 13 year old girls and boys.

The Waterworks, Killerig, Carlow - Killerig

Tuesdays @ 6:30pm


Sinead King

Course description

The swimmer can now swim all four main strokes to a high standard keeping a controlled pace leading the swimmer to increase their distance while most importantly maintaining the good quality of the stroke. On the completion of the level the swimmer is now a “Swimmer” and a junior lifesaver given the swimmer and option to follow the competitive swimming route or become a Rookie lifeguard.

Course Details
Course Length

11 Lessons

Lesson Duration

40 minutes

Class Size

8 Places

Curriculum Levels


Course Skills
  • Perform the transition from push and glide to the four main strokes
  • Perform Front crawl for 50m
  • Perform Back crawl for 50m
  • Perform Full breaststroke 50m
  • Perform full butterfly 25m
  • Sculling on back headfirst and feet first for 6m
  • Thread water for 60 seconds raising one hand every 10 seconds calling for help
  • Use a buoyant aid hold the HELP position for 2 minutes 30 seconds

Winter 2024

Course Dates
Lesson 1

19 November 2024

Lesson 2

26 November 2024

Lesson 3

03 December 2024

Lesson 4

10 December 2024

Lesson 5

17 December 2024

Lesson 6

07 January 2025

Lesson 7

14 January 2025

Lesson 8

21 January 2025

Lesson 9

28 January 2025

Lesson 10

04 February 2025

Lesson 11

11 February 2025

Break / No classes on 24th and 31st December


Book a Place

Swimmer Details

Medical Information

It is important to let us know if there are any medical conditions or special requirements regarding an attendee.

Guardian Details